TT Fordonskadecenter invests on the environment with Intenz lighting at their new location
TT Fordonskadecenter is a specialized garage authorized for reparation of BMWs and Minis. The company moved to new location in Port Nykoping, which gave the managing director Tobias Carlsson-Linde a valid reason to contact Energisystem for modern lighting.

During the initial inventory Tobias told that there were high ambitions for the new location. They would build a sound deadening ceiling with a desire to give the environment light and fresh appearance. Both the plating and spray-painting of the vehicles demanded a good quality lighting, which in addition should meet the high standards set by BMW.
Intenz Efficient 151W with Dali
After analyzing several available options, the decision was made to go with the intenz Efficient 151W with Dali. A control panel with individual circuit breakers was added to be able to control the lighting individually at the different working areas.
“We are very satisfied with the results, the outcome was very good”, says Tobias during the final inspection. “The staff really appreciates the possibility for individual lighting control.” As a whole, the location looks impressive. It’s bright, fresh and gives a professional overall impression. “It’s great. The people working here all have an individual need for correct lighting and they can now amend it according to their personal needs”, Tobias says.

Low environmental impact
Because intenz is a highly effective armature, TT Fordonskadecenter can tweak up the lighting without leaving a trace of it in their electricity bill. Because intenz has ten years guarantee, the investment does not only have a low impact on the environment, but it is also energy efficient, stable and safe.
Tobias tells that the rumours are spreading along the branch as a whole. “People come here to see the lighting installation and leave really impressed’, he proudly tells. Tobias chuckles as he remembers a revision executed by the BMW after the completion of the project. “They were so impressed. Their lux meter hit its top when the lighting was at its brightest. They got to note down 1999 lux in their report – something they had never been able to do before.”
Are you looking for a lighting solution? Please feel free to contact us.